Member-only story
January 8–15, 2022

American public
luck of that Paul Manafort’s book will be out in only seven months
luck of that braying of Jeanine Pirro can now be heard daily on Fox
Andrew, Prince
imminent disappearance from public life of
Avenatti, Michael
complaint of that he was “held under terrible conditions” and “it was hard to believe it occurred in the United States of America” sounds remarkably Trump-like
Baldwin, State Sen. Scott (R-IN)
opinion that “we need to be impartial” regarding teaching about fascism and Nazism escapes from mouth of
Biden, President Joe
seriously belated outrage at voting rights travesty is dutifully expressed by
Blackburn, Sen. Marsha (R-TN)
Black Biden appointee is gratuitously and sadistically interrogated by
Chaffetz, Jason
Leonardo DiCaprio’s hairy armpits trigger disgust in
Chatfield, Lee
rape accusation is brought against by sister-in-law of
Cheney, Rep. Liz (R-WY)